Research Products Storage/Depot

Through our research product warehouse facilities, we perform the services that help facilitate import procedures, as well as the start of a clinical research study. The INFINITE warehouse is designed to provide a safeguard of research products, this by controlling spaces and temperatures according to the requirements of the project. With the warehouse service we offer the services that help support the logistics of clinical studies by administering and distributing products to research sites that are active in a protocol, maintaining greater control of supplies.

Integral management of research products

With the support of the warehouse infrastructure for clinical research products, INFINITE offers the services of administration, conditioning, randomization, labeling, accounting and shipments of medical supplies to the participating research centers within a clinical research protocol.

The INFINITE warehouse is equipped with sensors for temperature control, fire protection and physical security. INFINITE has work agreements with drug distributors with which comparator drugs can be located for the use of clinical research.

Warehouse and distribution operations are based on the times of the clinical study, this means that the sites obtain the supply of perishable products with a lower price fluctuation. In order to keep the product within the supply chain and temperature control, it is protected:

Ambient temperature 15 ° C to 25 ° C

Refrigerated 2 ° C to 8 ° C

Frozen -8 ° C to -20 ° C

For the shipment of supplies to the research sites, a package or wrap is provided that protects the products temporarily, mainly to group units of a product thinking about its correct handling, transport and storage.

Our comprehensive clinical research product management services can include the following in a modular way:

Reception of research products

Receipt of direct products from customs

Conditioning and packaging of medicines

Randomization of drugs for research study

Research product accounting

Destruction of expired medication

Logistics of medical research products.

INFINITE has the human capital of highly trained experts for the management of imports and exports within the territory of the Mexican Republic, INFINITE also supports you with the advice or management of processes for export to the countries of Central America and South America , these services can make synergy in a modular way with our regulatory expertise, since we provide all the regulatory support regarding the registration of new medications or medical devices for marketing.

INFINITE has trained personnel to help you in specific matters of import of material, products, supplies or medical devices that are focused on the development of clinical research, for this INFINITE offers the following services.

Review of legal information of the product to be imported or exported

Identification of tariff fraction

Definition of requirement for import or export

Management of international treaties

Customs release coordination

Payment of taxes for import or export

Freight transport logistics

Delivery to destination Mexico City and in the country
